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  1. Go to the Bare Metal section.

  1. Select the desired server, click on the ellipsis in the server field, and choose Reinstall from the context menu.

  1. Choice OS for server from specified list in field named Operating system.

  1. Choice disk layout for server from specified list in field named Disk Layout. The display disk layouts in list depends of disk count on server.

  1. You can also choose ssh key.

  1. After making all the necessary changes, click Rebuild.


  1. Go to the Bare Metal section.

  1. Select the desired server, click on the ellipsis in the server field, and choose Edit from the context menu.

  1. You can change server hostname in Name field.

  1. You can add or delete tag in Tags field.

  1. Click Rename when made all necessary changes.


  1. Go to the Bare Metal section.

  1. Select the desired server, click on the ellipsis in the server field, and choose Reboot from the context menu.

  1. Click Yes if you want reboot server.


  1. Go to the Bare Metal section.

  1. Select the desired server, click on the ellipsis in the server field, and choose Reset from the context menu.

  1. Click Yes if you want reset server.


  1. Go to the Bare Metal section.

  1. Select the desired server, click on the server name.

  1. On the server detail page, there is a button Power in the top right corner.

  1. Click Power button.

  1. Click Yes for stop server.


  1. Go to the Bare Metal section.

  1. Select the desired server, click on the server name.

  1. On the server detail page, there is a button Power in the top right corner.

  1. Click Power button.

  1. Click Yes for stop server.

Edit server from detail page

  1. Go to the Bare Metal section.

  1. Select the desired server, click on the server name.

  1. You can do all of this action in server detail page if click on the ellipsis with Menu name in the top right corner.