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Create port

  1. Go to the Ports subsection.

  1. Click on Create Port.

  1. Enter the name of the future port in the Name Port field.

  1. Choose the network in the Network field.

  1. Save default value the port enabled or disable it.

  1. Select what the port will be bound to. If you specify a subnet, OpenStack Networking allocates an available IP address from this subnet to the port. If you specify an IP address, OpenStack Networking attempts to assign the IP address if it is valid for any of the subnets in the specified network.

  1. Specify the MAC address of the port. If not specified, the MAC address is generated automatically.

  2. If port isolation is the goal, leave the field unchanged.

  1. Save default value it enabled if you want to add a default security group.

  1. Click on Additional Settings to expand the list of additional setting fields, which include vNIC type, binding, description, among others.

  1. Click Create.